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multiple personalities

n. (multiple personality English)

Usage examples of "multiple personalities".

These violent fluctuations of affect, these detours of wasted energy, leaving their traces on photographic plates, coursing incessantly through the bodies of Sherman's multiple personalities, also force their way into the viewer's tender and receptive flesh.

It is fragile, overly timid, and the mental confusion caused by the multiple personalities would endanger it further.

He'd heard of people with multiple personalities, and perhaps that was what he was experiencing.

How can you assume that an alien species can even suffer insanity the way we can, or that it's capable of multiple personalities?

These efforts, including repression, self-blame, self-injury, traumatic bonding, addictions, somatization (conversion of stress into physical symptoms), dissociation, multiple personalities, and other defenses, are unconscious and, unfortunately, they can create almost as many problems as they solve.

Then she was Helen Quincy again, sitting politely, sweetly, in her chair, acting like the psychiatrist was the crazy one for believing she had multiple personalities.

Various parts of Pooh-Bah's multiple personalities recoiled in alarm.

The greatest mental peculiarity of Runt's Thakwaash species, now well known to the Wraiths, was that most had multiple personalities-not caused, as they were among hu-mans, by great emotional trauma, but occurring as a natural part of their mental development.