Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model (MSRAM) is a process and model that supports the U.S. Coast Guard's mission to understand and mitigate the risk of terrorist attacks on targets in U.S. ports and waterways. MSRAM began as a Captain of the Port-level risk analysis tool developed shortly after 9/11/2001. In 2005, the USCG began development and implementation of MSRAM in order to take advantage of lessons learned with the initial effort and to apply a risk approach that can be applied at both the field and headquarter levels. To develop this program, USCG HQ invited representatives from headquarters, and all levels of command to define requirements and identify milestones. This led to an action plan that fielded the first MSRAM system in 2006. Since the first MSRAM rollout, USCG is in the third iteration of MSRAM as of 2008.
Following is a summary of the use of MSRAM data and future enhancements.