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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Movable \Mov"a*ble\, n.; pl. Movables.

  1. An article of wares or goods; a commodity; a piece of property not fixed, or not a part of real estate; generally, in the plural, goods; wares; furniture. [Also spelled moveable.]

    Furnished with the most rich and princely movables.

  2. (Rom. Law) Property not attached to the soil.

    Note: The word is not convertible with personal property, since rents and similar incidents of the soil which are personal property by our law are immovables by the Roman law.


n. (plural of movable English)

Usage examples of "movables".

The distribution of the spoil was regulated by a divine law: ^126 the whole was faithfully collected in one common mass: a fifth of the gold and silver, the prisoners and cattle, the movables and immovables, was reserved by the prophet for pious and charitable uses.