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Wikipedia is a user-generated content and consumer review platform on the Internet. At the core of MouthShut lies a global Web 2.0 social media platform. Any visitor can become a member (for free) and then can influence or be influenced by others. By writing reviews or sharing photos and diaries, members discuss their opinions about brands and products, in turn influencing consumer decisions. The website's marketing on the backs of Auto-rickshaws is considered as the most outstanding innovation in outdoor advertising in recent times

On April 29, 2013, filed a petition in the Supreme Court of India to nullify India's Information Technology Rules 2011 which threatens to restrict freedom of expression. The verdict was in favor of the petitioners v. Union of India's work has been mentioned in the Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, London's Financial Times and almost all the newspapers and TV channels in India.'s founder and CEO Faisal Farooqui has been named among the Top Contemporary Entrepreneur in India. has been recommended by various social media commentators and its credibility cited and materials from the website used in at least fifty non-fiction books, including the Marketing Management textbook by Philip Kotler.