Crossword clues for mountainy
a. (cx now chiefly Irish English) mountainous. (from 16th c.)
Usage examples of "mountainy".
There is where he should have been, there with the mountainy men, but by the time the tired rider had brought the news to Selui, and by the time Hull had reached Ormiston, it was already too late, and Ozarky was but an outlying province of the expanding Empire, while the Master camped there above Norse, and sent representations to Selui.
He was crying out against the circumstances that had brought the Princess Margaretthe most brilliant woman of all that brilliant age, and one of the most brilliant of any ageto flash all her fascination on a simple mountainy from Ozarky.
And the whole way turned out to be downhill since the house, looking out over the bay, was perched on the side of this mountainy kind of thing.
I have known thin spare men, no larger than myself, walk across mountainy country in piercing weather at a great altitude from sunrise to sunset, carrying burdens without fatigue, and without food.
It was a brindled, mountainy roan, its coat all patchy with sweat, its miserable flanks still shuddering.
The front-seat passenger, a rugged mountainy man with forty years of living ground into the seams of his face, was crying.
Wine-red heather and glowing golden gorse and great armadas of cloud sailing serenely overhead, while mountainy men struggled with all their might to wring bare subsistence from unyielding earth.
The confusion of the Orangemen was turned into a complete rout, and they fled, leaving their banners and other trophies in the hands of the mountainy men.
Grizzled, mountainy types still smelling of livestock and their few acres of bog and reed.