Crossword clues for mothproof
proof against being eaten by moths. alt. proof against being eaten by moths. v
To use apply odoriferous materials intended to repel moths from clothing.
adj. resistant to damage by moths [syn: moth-resistant]
v. protect from moths; "mothproof woollen clothes during the summer"
Usage examples of "mothproof".
I add to the general wardrobe some items of apparel which I keep in mothproof bags in my spare room on the theory that if things get much worse I may be glad to wear them out in company.
He had taken it from the plastic mothproof bag and hung it there so he could look at it.
Leonard sold dry cleaner's supplies, everything from wire hangers and mothproof bags to the chemicals they used in the dry-cleaning process itself.
I've mothproofed them, can you imagine, mothproofed, the whole damn lot!
The first bright day of spring, and she has mothproofed everything wool in the house, rolled and bound the rugs, and dragged them off to my father's trophy room.
He stuffed and mounted and varnished and mothproofed supposedly great moments, all of which turn out to be depressing dust-catchers, like a moosehead bought at a country auction or a sailfish on the wall of a dentist's waiting room.
Treated them just like his most precious historical documents-double -boxing, and mothproofing and all that.