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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Moth gnat

Moth \Moth\, n.; pl. Moths (m[o^]thz). [OE. mothe, AS. mo[eth][eth]e; akin to D. mot, G. motte, Icel. motti, and prob. to E. mad an earthworm. Cf. Mad, n., Mawk.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) Any nocturnal lepidopterous insect, or any not included among the butterflies; as, the luna moth; Io moth; hawk moth.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Any lepidopterous insect that feeds upon garments, grain, etc.; as, the clothes moth; grain moth; bee moth. See these terms under Clothes, Grain, etc.

  3. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of various other insects that destroy woolen and fur goods, etc., esp. the larv[ae] of several species of beetles of the genera Dermestes and Anthrenus. Carpet moths are often the larv[ae] of Anthrenus. See Carpet beetle, under Carpet, Dermestes, Anthrenus.

  4. Anything which gradually and silently eats, consumes, or wastes any other thing.

    Moth blight (Zo["o]l.), any plant louse of the genus Aleurodes, and related genera. They are injurious to various plants.

    Moth gnat (Zo["o]l.), a dipterous insect of the genus Bychoda, having fringed wings.

    Moth hunter (Zo["o]l.), the goatsucker.

    Moth miller (Zo["o]l.), a clothes moth. See Miller, 3, (a) .

    Moth mullein (Bot.), a common herb of the genus Verbascum ( Verbascum Blattaria), having large wheel-shaped yellow or whitish flowers.