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most wicked

adj. superlatively evil and wicked [syn: most evil]

Usage examples of "most wicked".

The two bad boys enjoyed in stealth their scandalous pastime, because they knew it was the most wicked thing they could do.

The old wretch, the most wicked of the wicked, was glad of the outcome.

Ghenni'tiroth returned the grin-until she remembered who it was she was dealing with, until she forced herself, through the temptation of the teasing bait that K'yorl had offered, to remember the reputation of this most wicked drow.

Ghenni'tiroth returned the grinuntil she remembered who it was she was dealing with, until she forced herself, through the temptation of the teasing bait that K'yorl had offered, to remember the reputation of this most wicked drow.

But perhaps it is displeasing to good men to fight with most wicked unrighteousness, and provoke with voluntary war neighbors who are peaceable and do no wrong, in order to enlarge a kingdom?