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Mosso can refer to:

Usage examples of "mosso".

Professor Tarchanoff made use of the ergograph of Mosso, and found that if the fingers were completely fatigued, either by voluntary efforts or by electric excitation, to the point of being incapable of making any mark except a straight line on the registering cylinder, music had the power of making the fatigue disappear, and the finger placed in the ergograph again commenced to mark lines of different heights, according to the amount of excitation.

Irene, avea col racquisto del luogotenente trovato refrigerio al suo dolore e si sentiva mosso dalla smania di udire le avventure di lui che credeva perduto per sempre.

Synthesis when the angry bleat of a rumbling mosso frightened him half out of his wits.

When the approaching mosso sensed his presence and slowed to a stop, he dropped a coin in the stile and stepped on.

Another, squatting in the black shadows of a stalled mosso, plucked blindly at the darkness.

An empty mosso, following its mindless, perpetual figure eight, clacked across the mainway just above her, and the great suspension bridge swayed with its passage.

Should have bandaged them, he muttered to himself, and swung off when the mosso came to its abbreviated stop.

According to Mosso of Turin, it is only in modern times that civilized woman shows the comparative weakness of these muscles which is indeed commonly to be found.