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Mossé is a French family name:

  • Gérald Mossé (b. 1967) jockey
  • Claude Mossé, (b. 1924) female French historian of ancient Greece
  • :fr:Claude Mossé (journaliste), (b. 1928) male French journalist

Category:French-language surnames

Usage examples of "mosse".

They stood on a high plateau composed mostly of boulders tumbled every which way, covered with lichens and mosses and a dusting of snow.

Fires bloomed and faded on rocks and among the mosses and low-lying scrub that lived in the fjall.

Whitish mosses hung like curtains of slimy seaweed down the dripping walls.

The massed blackness erupted into flames, twisting and thrashing as they blazed, sparks sizzling in the wet, black mosses of the floor.

In dreams he wandered again in that dark, hideous world where staring, white-faced herds shuffled pathetically through the rotting mosses of endless caverns.

Rudy followed, as they all followed, stumbling in the crumbly mosses of the cavern floor.

As the Dark swirled away in clouds of illusion, he could see that an immense cave stretched before them, the slimy mosses of its walls and floor glittering faintly in the reflected witchlight and in the wan phosphorescence that seemed, in places, to emanate from the mosses themselves.

Gil and Rudy moved cautiously through the broken, silent Palace, past empty chambers teeming with eruptions of mosses or slithering with vines, and over crazy, tilting pavements where the rotting tapestries whispered with a horrible suggestion of rodent life.

Epiphytic lichens, ferns, and mosses lived firm-footed on the organic debris that, for centuries undisturbed, had built up in clefts and hollows in the boughs.

A brackish pool it was, lying so close to the sea: a damson-colored water of rock and sedge and salty mosses and secrets.

Only in the deepest cracks the mosses grew, and the tenacious roots of the blue-green arkenfir.

And, suddenlie, out of a place like a wood, eight wild men, all apparelled in greene mosse, made with sleved silke, with ouglie weapons, and terrible visages, and there fought with the knights eight to eight: and, after long fighting, the armed knights drove the wild men out of their places, and followed the chase out of the hall, and when they were departed, the tent opened, and there came out six lords and six ladies richlie apparelled, and dansed a great time.

Orazio aveva una canna della sua carabina carica e poteva ammazzarlo ma non si mosse.

Attilio fu della stessa opinione, quindi soggiunse che per le relazioni sulle mosse del nemico bisognava far capo a Regolo, e Regolo darebbe avviso di tutti i movimenti delle truppe papaline.

Ma da qui innanzi, fa mestieri usare tutta la vigilanza possibile, per conoscere le mosse del nemico e non essere sorpresi.