, or , is a 2009 Japanese novel by Natsumi Iwasaki. It follows high school girl Minami Kawashima who manages her school's baseball team using Peter Drucker's Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices to rally her dispirited teammates. The novel has been adapted into a 10-episode anime television series by the Japanese public broadcaster NHK and produced by Production I.G. Originally scheduled to air on March 14, 2011, it was postponed due to the 2011 TÅhoku earthquake and tsunami and instead aired between April 25, 2011 and May 6, 2011. A live-action movie was released in Japan on June 4, 2011.
(or Moshidora for short) is a 2011 Japanese live-action film directed by Makoto Tanaka which was released in Japanese cinemas on 4 June 2011. It is based on the bestselling book of the same name and followed a preceding anime series also of the same name.