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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Morphologist \Mor*phol"o*gist\, n. (Biol.) One who is versed in the science of morphology.


n. A person who studies morphology

Usage examples of "morphologist".

For instance, the morphologists Mary Chen and Craig Bailey have spent several years studying and measuring the synapses of the Aplysia abdominal ganglion.

A cadre of alien morphologists was assigned to make an evaluation: to decide if the disgusting thing was male or female.

The alien morphologists who had been monitoring it through the one-way glass of the control booth fronting on the examination stage that formed the escape-proof study chamber had been turned away only a few seconds, accepting mugs of steaming stimulant-laced coffee from a Tech 3.

A cadre of alien morphologists was assigned to make an evaluation: to decide if the disgusting thing was male or female.

The alien morphologists who had been monitoring it through the one-way glass of the control booth fronting on the examination stage that formed the escape-proof study chamber had been turned away only a few seconds, accepting mugs of steaming stimulant-laced coffee from a Tech 3.

Even so, and even though Mayor Amalfi, the principal hero and leading cultural morphologist of CITIES IN FLIGHT, believes that the Okies have been completely defeated [ECH, 421-422], I can see no reason to believe that the restoration of the Ancien Regime in 3976 would have been any more permanent than it was in 1815.