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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Moroccan \Mo*roc"can\, a. Of or pertaining to Morocco, or its inhabitants.


Moroccan may refer to:

  • Anything of, from, or related to the country of Morocco
  • Moroccan people
  • Moroccan Arabic, a language used in Morocco

Usage examples of "moroccan".

Moroccan peaks, had gathered again in flocks on the high plateaus of Algeria, and now, at the approaches to the Tunisian frontier, were trying to reach the Tyrrhenian Sea to lose themselves in it.

Though as brief as the Almoravid invasion of five centuries earlier, this Moroccan experience was hardly less destructive.

In 1585 the Moroccan sultan, Mulay Ahmed el-Mansur, seized from Songhay the great salt deposits of Taghaza, and took thereby the first step toward the sources of Sudanese gold which Moroccans believed they could capture just as the Almoravids long before them had believed.

American, Australian, and South African-born Ashkenazi Jews and relatively poor Moroccan Oriental Jews.

Today there was a shopping expedition at Wild Oats in Notting Hill, which produced a crate of Evian water and Moroccan takeout that still sits in the salmon-hued kitchen.

Algerian and Moroccan workers in blue overalls, smoking their Galois and sipping triple espressos.

President wore black out of respect for those killed in the Marrakech helicopter crash, for the guards in the prison van and for the CIA agent and Moroccan officer whose bodies had been found in a burned-out car.

Its special interest comes from the fact that its author, Mahmoud Kati -- also a learned citizen of Timbuktu, but a Negro where Abderrahman es Sadi seems to have been of Peul and Moorish descent -- accompanied the great Songhay ruler Mohammed Askia on the Mecca pilgrimage and witnessed the Moroccan invasion which overwhelmed Songhay at the end of the sixteenth century.

I supposed you were a Peul slave messenger, or even a bonded Moroccan, because of your strange pallor.

There were displays of vegetables, fruits, hand-woven textiles, yellow or white babouche slippers, and a multitude of other commodities, some seemingly desirable in the eyes of Moroccans and some aimed deliberately to attract tourists.

I wanted it to look weathered and authentically Moroccan, but feared that the ball-point pen betrayed its youth.

Regulars, such as the team of Moroccan irrigation specialists, the UN's Kurdish translator, and Detective Shaftoe, were at their customary bar stools and tables by five o'clock, prepared to wait a full four hours for the first jingle-bang of the tambourine.

From what he could gather, the efficiency expert wished to have sexual intercourse with the wife on the Moroccan rug in the living room.

The Admiral stirred his tea, contemplated, and said, 'If Napoleon Bonaparte with his three hundred thousand very well trained men and his usual brilliant cavalry and artillery, can knock out say the Russians or part of the Austrians, the French navy may sweep us out of the Mediterranean again, above all as the Maltese and the Moroccans are so ungrateful as to hate us and as there is a real possibility of a French alliance with Tunis, Algeria and the other piratical states, to say nothing of the Emperor of Morocco and even the Sultan himself.

The first woman was an interior decorator on a collecting trip to the old Moroccan city, the second an executive for the Chase Bank, Foreign Department.