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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mormondom \Mor"mon*dom\, n. The country inhabited by the Mormons; the Mormon people.

Usage examples of "mormondom".

To attempt a portrayal of that era and that land, and leave out the blood and carnage, would be like portraying Mormondom and leaving out polygamy.

Brigham as Territorial Governor made it plain that Mormondom was for the Mormons.

With unheard-of temerity Judge Cradlebaugh opened his court and proceeded to make Mormondom answer for the massacre.

He examined witnesses, made arrests in every quarter, and created a consternation in the camps of the saints greater than any they had ever witnessed before, since Mormondom was born.

Although the tour group never got closer than ten yards away from any door to the imposing granite temple, they visited the famed Mormon Tabernacle and for most of an hour digested a version of Mormondom so sanitized that the Church could have been mistaken for a mainstream Protestant sect.

C was almost as good a clue to Mormondom as was the wearing of garments.

Especially do I believe it to be a truth, which none but the ignorant or the vicious can question, that every city and village in America, outside of Mormondom, abounds with matrons and maidens, the face of any one of whom Purity herself might take for her escutcheon.