The Collaborative International Dictionary
Evangelical \E`van*gel"ic*al\, a.
Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the evangelical history.
Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in, the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as, evangelical religion.
Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in interpreting Christian doctrine; pre["e]minently orthodox; -- technically applied to that party in the Church of England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which holds the doctrine of ``Justification by Faith alone;'' the Low Church party. The term is also applied to other religious bodies not regarded as orthodox.
Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm for a cause.
Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8. Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening and common work, comprising Christians of different denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool, England, in 1845. Evangelical Church.
The Protestant Church in Germany.
A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and Calvinists in Germany in 1817.
Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in 1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also Morisonians.