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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Moralism \Mor"al*ism\, n. A maxim or saying embodying a moral truth.


n. 1 The act or practice of moralizing. 2 A maxim or saying embodying a moral truth.

  1. n. a moral maxim

  2. judgments about another person's morality; "he could not stand her hectoring moralism"

Usage examples of "moralism".

In them a religious and realistic idea takes the place of the moralism of the Apologists, namely, the deifying of the human race through the incarnation of the Son of God.

Justin, they subordinated to their moralism and to which they did not give a specifically Christological signification.

Odo had seen the danger of a rigid moralism arising from the use of the word "work" in her analogic system: the cells must work together, the optimum working of the organism, the work done by each element, and so forth.

And if you insist on clouding the issue with irrelevant moralism, you find it growing even cloudier when dealing with an alien species.

Lewis gave a bad jolt to the eighteenth-century doctrine of the Perfectibility of Man, and Wilde did the same to Victorian meliorism and moralism.