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moral suasion

n. (context ethics English) persuasion brought to bear by appeals to someone's moral sense or ethics.

Moral suasion

Moral suasion is an appeal to morality in order to influence or change behavior. A famous example is the attempt by William Lloyd Garrison and his American Anti-Slavery Society to end slavery in the United States by using moral suasion. In economics, moral suasion is more specifically defined as "the attempt to coerce private economic activity via governmental exhortation in directions not already defined or dictated by existing statute law." The 'moral' aspect comes from the pressure for 'moral responsibility' to operate in a way that is consistent with furthering the good of the economy. Moral suasion in this narrower sense is also sometimes known as jawboning.

There are two types of moral suasion:

  • "Pure" moral suasion is an appeal for altruistic behaviour and is rarely used in economic policy
  • "Impure" moral suasion, which is the usual meaning of "moral suasion" in economics, is backed by explicit or implicit threats by authorities in order to provide incentives to comply with the authorities' wishes

Usage examples of "moral suasion".

Elizabeth, the tireless woman who had been fighting slavery for half a century, believed that moral suasion was sufficient.

This baboon in human form don't understand no kind of moral suasion but a bust on the jaw.

Through moral suasion, eschewing all violence and sedition, its authors proposed to secure their object.

The Ethic does seem right from the point of view of alloperantstogether because it's noble you know it catches the attention of the normals FatherAndy calls it moral suasion but it's not something you have to do is it I don't see what's wrong with the Russian heads saying they'll defend their country mentally what good would it do them to be noble and a beautiful example of nonviolence if they all died?

In our innocence, we thought that the Metapsychic Rebellion would turn out to be a war of words, moral suasion, and economic sanctions.

He might be a very good patriarch of a church and preacher in its tabernacle, but something sterner than religion and moral suasion was needed to handle a hundred refractory, halt-civilized sub-contractors.

The Industrial Radical Party, disdaining violence, called for moral suasion and a peaceful mass-campaign for redress of legitimate grievances.

The Industrial Radical Party, disdaining violence, called for moral suasion and a peaceful masscampaign for redress of legitimate grievances.

He knows her and I honestly believe his moral suasion will be communicated.

For it could not help bringing up the unget-aroundable fact that, all gentle cant and philosophizing to the contrary notwithstanding, no people in the world ever did achieve their freedom by goody- goody talk and moral suasion: it being immutable law that all revolutions that will succeed must BEGIN in blood, whatever may answer afterward.