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Moot hall

A moot hall is a meeting or assembly building, traditionally to decide local issues.

In Anglo-Saxon England, a low ring-shaped earthwork served as a moot hill or moot mound, where the elders of the hundred would meet to take decisions. Some of these acquired permanent buildings, known as moot halls. However, many moot halls are on relatively new sites within later settlements.

  • There are moot halls in:
    • Aldeburgh
    • Appleby-in-Westmorland
    • Brampton
    • Colchester
    • Daventry
    • Elstow (near Bedford)
    • Hexham
    • Holton le Moor
    • Keswick
    • Newcastle upon Tyne
    • Steeple Bumpstead
    • Maldon, Essex
    • Mansfield
    • Monnington on Wye
    • Wirksworth,
  • [[ Mount Castleton Farm.jpg|right|thumb|180px|

    The Moot Hill or Law Mount at Lambroughton in Ayrshire, Scotland.

    ]] There are also Moot hills

    • Dagenham
    • Godalming
    • Central Milton Keynes (Secklow Mound)
    • various sites in Wiltshire
    • Kilmacolm
    • Barony and Castle of Giffen, North Ayrshire, Scotland.
    • Lambroughton, North Ayrshire, Scotland.
    • Lawthorn, North Ayrshire, Scotland.

Usage examples of "moot hall".

And thinking so, she came most of the way to an awareness of why the Dwarves had built their Moot Hall on this scale.

I grew wrathful then, and in my folly and pride I called a gathering of all Dwarves in the Moot Hall and demanded they choose between Kaen’.

I grew wrathful then, and in my folly and pride I called a gathering of all Dwarves in the Moot Hall and demanded they choose between Kaens desires and my own, which were to let the black thing lie where it was lost, while we moved from spells and powers of the old ways and sought the Light I had been shown by the lake.