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n. (plural of moonlighter English)

Usage examples of "moonlighters".

Sylvie pointed out at features Michel couldn’t see, and told him of sudden shifts of the Rhone’s channel, of ships’ groundings, loose buoys, ripped hulls, rescues by night, oil spills, confusing new lighthouses—false lighthouses, set by moonlighters for the unwary—even ordinary piracy on the high seas.

Sylvie pointed out at features Michel couldn't see, and told him of sudden shifts of the Rhone's channel, of ships' groundings, loose buoys, ripped hulls, rescues by night, oil spills, confusing new lighthouses-false lighthouses, set by moonlighters for the unwary-even ordinary piracy on the high seas.

Mishal and Anahita Sufyan, who still unaccountably treated him like a kind of soul-mate, in spite of all his attempts to dissuade them, were beings who plainly admired such creatures as moonlighters, shoplifters, flichers: scam artists in general.