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vb. (en-past of: moonlight)

Usage examples of "moonlighted".

The brave remnant of my father’s highest tower still rises boldly enough against the sweetly star-filled heavens for me to see from the window the moonlighted hills and valleys of Tuscany, aye, even as far as the twinkling sea below the mines of Carrara.

The brave remnant of my father's highest tower still rises boldly enough against the sweetly star-filled heavens for me to see from the window the moonlighted hills and valleys of Tuscany, aye, even as far as the twinkling sea below the mines of Carrara.

Gately and Fackelmann moonlighted, and for a while separately Fackelmann's sideline with I.

She’d moonlighted as a waitress, her roommates reported, because she used to say that you didn’t meet many guys while you were selling bras.

They came out of the forest and paused long enough for the men to sweep the moonlighted banks with their eyes.