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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It made me think of looking up at the stars on a moonless night.
▪ I stepped outside into the moonless night and waited for another cry.
▪ It was a dark, moonless night outside.
▪ The thing that saved us was the moonless night.
▪ Catches are better on windy, moonless nights.
▪ From my window, I could see a raw streak of red hissing its way against the moonless night.
▪ a cloudy, moonless night
▪ Catches are better on windy, moonless nights.
▪ From my window, I could see a raw streak of red hissing its way against the moonless night.
▪ I stepped outside into the moonless night and waited for another cry.
▪ It made me think of looking up at the stars on a moonless night.
▪ It was a dark, moonless night outside.
▪ Lydia woke suddenly in the tangible blackness that was moonless country night.
▪ The moonless sky was overcast, and gliding into an opaque blackness we might have been in outer space.
▪ The thing that saved us was the moonless night.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Moonless \Moon"less\, a. Being without a moon or moonlight.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1500, from moon (n.) + -less.


a. 1 (context of a night English) During which no phase of the Moon is visible to provide light. 2 (context of a planet English) Having no orbiting moon.


adj. without a moon or a visible moon; "the dark moonless night"; "a moonless planet" [ant: moonlit]

Usage examples of "moonless".

Against such a peril I had provided certain amulets made of the stone alectorian, which groweth in the gizzard of a cock hatched on a moonless night when Saturn burneth in a human sign and the lord of the third house is in the ascendant.

Charlie Henderson searched the surface of the Inland Sea from Shimonoseki on the west to the Kure Naval Base to the east, at 500 to 1,000 feet, skirting the coast, banking around the islands, sweeping across the stretches in the clear moonless night.

Without him, this clumsy crowd of horsemen could not have trailed her from the stream -- but a Lycanthrope can track a mouse on a moonless night.

I thought of the pyre of the barracoon, empty beneath a moonless sky that now and then let drop a brief weak fall of rain.

All light vanished, and Brachis and Bester stood together in a moonless and overcast Earth night.

Although the night was moonless and starless, its darkness untinctured by village lights here in the sparsely populated hill country east of Taubate, he could see the signal post up the tracks through the lenses of his NVGs.

Chapter Eleven, findings which suggest that the great Andean city of Tiahuanaco flourished during the last Ice Age in the deep, dark, moonless midnight of prehistory.

Rama had heard countless tales of Asura atrocities before, nightmare tales from the Last Asura War, which he knew still haunted his father, the maharaja, on moonless awamas nights such as this onefor awamas was the night when evil flourishedbut never had he heard of or envisioned such atrocities taking place within the walls of his home city, mighty Ayodhya herself.

In moonless dark, lights pulsed below the waters, like the bioluminescence of benthic things magnified many hundreds of times.

On moonless or overcast nights, Takeshi and Ichizo take off all their clothes and splash each other with Cypridina light, running and giggling under the palm trees.

During a flounder gigging trip on a moonless night, he had tried to use the harpoon to gig the flounder exposed in the soft mud flats and sandbars by the light of a lantern on a johnboat.

SHIP OF THE LINE Out in the middle of the mall under the moonless night, a full-sized Cardassian warship settled hoggishly onto the cracked and pocked pavement, lit only by the reflection of its own harsh scene lights.

For the most part, the city lay silent in the late evening darkness, with only scattered points of light shining in defiance of the moonless night.

When we gaze, of a moonless clear night, on the Heavens glittering with stars, and know that each fixed star of all the myriads is a Sun, and each probably possessing its retinue of worlds, all peopled with living beings, we sensibly feel our own unimportance in the scale of Creation, and at once reflect that much of what has in different ages been religious faith, could never have been believed, if the nature, size, and distance of those Suns, and of our own Sun, Moon, and Planets, had been known to the Ancients as they are to us.

The night was almost moonless when we glided to a stop at the Yampa Valley airport.