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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Moo \Moo\ (m[=oo]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Mooed; p. pr. & vb. n. Mooing.] [Of imitative origin.] To make the noise of a cow; to low; -- a child's word.


n. The action of the verb ''moo''; a mooing sound. vb. (present participle of moo English)

Usage examples of "mooing".

They just went on mooing, hardly even seeming aware they were doing it.

Instead of just taking her tray and going to sit down somewhere, out of the line of fire, Cara whirled around and around, trying to pinpoint exactly where the mooing was coming from.

They clump and thump across the yard, Ruth mooing the announcement of their arrival.

Soon we all began mooing and snorting, making noises like sheep, cows, horses, pigs.

Betsy was swaying and staggering from side to side, wagging her head foolishly and mooing in the most maudlin manner, while Sally, whose potations affected her quite differently, was cavorting madly thither and yonder, one moment almost standing upon her head, with hind legs and tail waving wildly in midair, the next with the order reversed and pawing frantically at the clouds.

The fetid odor, the little window admitting only darkness, the oozing heat from the radiators, the bovine murmurings and mooings from the courtyard below, his own moans and little cries of pleasure as his udders are stroked, unsterilized little words splashing to paper.