MontyLingua is a popular natural language processing toolkit. It is a suite of libraries and programs for symbolic and statistical natural language processing (NLP) for both the Python and Java programming languages. It is enriched with common sense knowledge about the everyday world from Open Mind Common Sense. From English sentences, it extracts subject/verb/object tuples, extracts adjectives, noun phrases and verb phrases, and extracts people's names, places, events, dates and times, and other semantic information. It does not require training. It was written by Hugo Liu at MIT in 2003.
Because it is enriched with common sense knowledge it can avoid many mistakes. e.g.:
- "(NX the/DT mosquito/NN bit/NN NX) (NX the/DT boy/NN NX)"
- "(NX the/DT mosquito/NN NX) (VX bit/VBD VX) (NX the/DT boy/NN NX)"
Non-commercial use is free. If it is your intent to use this software for non-commercial, non-proprietary purposes, such as for academic research purposes, this software is free and is covered under the GNU GPL License.