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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Monstrously \Mon"strous*ly\, adv. In a monstrous manner; unnaturally; extraordinarily; as, monstrously wicked. ``Who with his wife is monstrously in love.''


adv. In a monstrous manner.

  1. adv. in a hideous manner; "her face was hideously disfigured after the accident" [syn: hideously, horridly]

  2. in a terribly evil manner; "the child was heinously murdered" [syn: heinously]

  3. in a grotesque manner; "behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald, with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies" [syn: grotesquely]

Usage examples of "monstrously".

It was a creature out of nightmare, in some ways lupine in form, but monstrously distorted, as if some insane god had created it out of the depths of his madness.

His bony claw dug monstrously into my shoulder, and he made no motion as I turned my head to look at whatever he had glimpsed.

All the frantic eagerness hitherto frustrated by obstacles now took itself out in a kind of febrile speed, and I literally raced along the low-roofed, monstrously well-remembered aisles beyond the archway.

For was not this whole experience--this shocking familiarity with a set of unknown ruins, and this monstrously exact identity of everything before me with what only dreams and scraps of myth could have suggested--a horror beyond all reason?

Once I saw him monstrously perched atop a mountain of bones, and wondered at the secrets that might lie behind his yellow eyes.

Powerfully clawed feet gripped the gunwale as the creature loomed, monstrously huge.

For was not this whole experience - this shocking familiarity with a set of unknown ruins, and this monstrously exact identity of everything before me with what only dreams and scraps of myth could have suggested - a horror beyond all reason?

No one wanted to see how monstrously comical Dad was in his condition.

Something was monstrously wrong with the shape which confronted us, and it stood before us for some time before my mind believed what my eyes saw.

Overindulgence in something as delicate as love is to be found monstrously offensive in the eyes of the God of Love.

Morninglory whirled his chair in a tight circle, trying to shout loud enough to be heard over the monstrously deafening sounds of battle.

Menelik, a monstrously heavy bronze piece inscribed with Arab aphorisms and a legend noting that it had been cast in Baghdad during the fifth Abbasid caliphate.

Assyrian danger would surely pass as all dangers do and the Assyrians would have to lug their monstrously heavy chariots back up north where the came from.

In the nineteenth century, according to information collected by his agents, this monstrously heavy bronze piece had been a portable sundial, the property of a fabled English explorer named Strongbow who was said to have been the secret owner of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the century.

After making a diagnosis he, would then prescribe medicine according to the hours he read on his portable sundial, a monstrously heavy bronze piece which he wore on his hip.