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The Collaborative International Dictionary

monstera \monstera\ n.

  1. any plant of the genus Monstera; they are often grown as houseplants.

  2. A tropical cylindrical pineconelike fruit with pineapple-banana flavor.

    Syn: ceriman.


n. Any of several plants of the genus (taxlink Monstera genus noshow=1).

  1. n. any plant of the genus Monstera; often grown as houseplants

  2. tropical cylindrical fruit resembling a pinecone with pineapple-banana flavor [syn: ceriman]


Monstera is a genus of about 50 species of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas. The genus is named from the Latin word for "monstrous" or "abnormal", and refers to the unusual leaves with natural holes that members of the genus have.

They are herbs or evergreen vines, growing to heights of in trees, climbing by means of aerial roots which act as hooks over branches; these roots will also grow into the soil to help support the plant. The leaves are alternate, leathery, dark green, very large, from long (up to long in M. dubia) and broad, often with holes in the leaf blade. The flowers are borne on a specialised inflorescence called a spadix, long; the fruit is a cluster of white berries, edible in some species.

They are commonly grown indoors as houseplants. The best-known representative of the genus, Monstera deliciosa, is also cultivated for its edible fruit which tastes like a combination of banana and pineapple.
The variety in the picture is a trailer, which has heart shaped perforated leaves; the climber type has rectangular shaped perforated leaves.

Usage examples of "monstera".

He learned that a band of Footloose travelers had passed through the environs of the port town the previous week and been chased off the land on which they had traditionally camped these past twenty years and more, and that in their wake the wife of the merchant Paulo Foring had prematurely given birth to a monstera child with a huge head and wings instead of arms, that had torn her apart as it breached, and that she would probably not survive.

Batzilla: God is Doctor Frankenstein and humanity is His monstera mass of mismatched parts stumbling around in search of its creator and committing more atrocities every step of the way.

But suddenly the animal beneath him was shaking the whole square was shaking Through the haze of instinct, Cadool thought some great monstera thunderbeast giant, like the one Afsan had felled on his first hunthad made it into the city, the guards having left their stations to be here.