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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
monolithic corporations
monolithic office buildings
▪ Constituting 23 percent of the voting electorate, this community tended to deliver a monolithic yea or nay.
▪ Secondly, none of these ethnic categories are monolithic.
▪ Secondly, there is the problem of the Northern catholic community, which tends to be taken as a monolithic nationalist community.
▪ The equally monolithic image of the male saint, Demetrios on his charger, is not really for us either.
▪ The primacy of monuments and monolithic sculpture in the new Communist epoch was acknowledged and debated.
▪ The West now viewed his government as a satellite in a monolithic Soviet empire.
▪ These divisions are helpful because the not self is rarely confronted in monolithic terms.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Monolithic \Mon`o*lith"ic\, a. Of or pertaining to a monolith; consisting of a single stone.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1825, "formed of a single block," from monolith + -ic. Figurative use from 1920.


a. 1 Of or resembling a monolith. 2 Having a massive, unchanging structure that does not permit individual variation. 3 (context computing said of an operating system's kernel English) consisting of a single program using a single memory-addressing space

  1. adj. imposing in size or bulk or solidity; "massive oak doors"; "Moore's massive sculptures"; "the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture"; "a monumental scale" [syn: massive, monumental]

  2. characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity; "a monolithic society"; "a monolithic worldwide movement"

Monolithic (band)

Monolithic is a synthpop band on the A Different Drum label. Although Monolithic is categorized in the synthpop genre, the infusion of many other subgenres of electronic music make Monolithic's music distinctive in the synthpop scene. Genres such as breakbeat, trance, ebm, techno, industrial, and downtempo can be found in the music of Monolithic. The music of Monolithic can be described as "intense", "meaningful", "emotional", and "powerful". Midihead is the sole mastermind behind the band, and can be found in the credits of music for remixes, TV, and motion picture trailers.

In January 2006, Midihead announced that he was canceling his then-upcoming Monolithic album Evil Behind Smiling Eyes to focus on other projects. The limited pre-release collection of MP3-format tracks remains available on the official site.

Usage examples of "monolithic".

Beautiful expanses of metal and plastic, each enclosed in seductively homogeneous chitin of earth tones and ochers, formed a ring around the room as secret and monolithic as Stonehenge.

In the kay-wide circular space that appeared to be Merthe, there were none of the monolithic forest giants, but only a scattering of shorter trees, most set right against the low houses.

Many of them trailed swirling black streamers of earth and yellow motes, which were agricultural robots plummeting vertically through the swarm, while military drift-ships hovered outside it against a brilliant background of sunlit ocean, monolithic clouds, and the seriate towers along the coast.

But in the dim light Kane recognized immediately the kinship of this monolithic crystal to the bloodstone ring upon his forger.

One mild overcast Saturday nearly a year after Frenesi had moved out, Zoyd and Prairie, returning from a midday stroll down the alley to the Gordita Pier and back, found inside their house who but Hector, posed dramatically in the front room next to the biggest block of pressed marijuana Zoyd had ever seen in his life, too big to have fit through any door yet towering there, mysteriously, a shaggy monolithic slab reaching almost to the ceiling.

Several of the monolithic columns of the Hypostyle Hall had collapsed, with a crash that shook the entire town of Luxor.

The only view the balcony offered was of the monolithic Dream Date building across the street, but for Meecher and his dog, it would be enough.

The city was a layered silhouette, an intricate fading chimneyscape, slate roofs bracing each other obliquely below the plaited towers of churches to obscure gods, the huge priapic vents of factories spewing dirty smoke and burning off excess energy, monolithic towerblocks like vast concrete gravestones, the rough down of parkland.

There was a monolithic, hand-carved scentwood desk with only one item on it, a holocube of Jessa.

Inside, they had hollowed out the entire planet and installed an expanded version of JEVEX as a single, monolithic, supercomputing matrix, servicing the Jevlenese world-system via communications though i-space.

However, most of the ornate spires, great sweeping colonnades, and huge rotundas, with their tall round-topped arches, monolithic lintels, and carved entablatures, were now engulfed by a sprawl of ersatz rococo domes and obelisks, which catered to the banal tastes of the gamblers and hedonists who frequented the planet in droves, and the whole of it was fissured by a labyrinth of narrow stairways, curving ramps, sheltered bridges, and dank tunnels.

That frame or boundary—also called the "growth barrier"—accounted for the subsequent branchings from the monolithic trunk that was the main road, because different civilizations continued their existence in different ways.

A gray mist came creeping to blot out the bean field, and the great monolithic building that loomed mile-high in the distance and there, hanging in the sky, surrounded by the misty fog that swept about it in streaming tendrils was the skull of Shakespeare, looking down at Horton-not leering down at him, not grinning down at him, but regarding him most companionably, as if the flesh might still exist, as if the barrier line of death did not exist at all.

But the BIS is not a monolithic institution: artfully concealed within the shell of an international bank, like a series of Chinese boxes one inside another, are the real groups and services the central bankers need - and pay to support.

The stove was a monolithic monument stretching across the far wall, copper fish kettles steaming on the burners.