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n. (plural of monogram English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: monogram)

Usage examples of "monograms".

As he approached the intricately carved door, gleaming with brilliant golden starbursts and royal monograms, it opened and Tunigorn and Ermanar emerged, looking drawn and somber.

The towels were thick and white with yellow monograms, the same monogram that had been on Mrs.

Sigils are monograms of thought, for the government of energy (all heraldry, crests, monograms, are Sigils and the Karmas they govern), relating to Karma.

Reenie enjoyed reciting the details of this—the nightgowns, the peignoirs, the kinds of lace on them, the pillowcases embroidered with monograms, the sheets and petticoats.