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a. Capable of speaking only a single language; monolingual. n. A person capable of speaking only a single language.

Usage examples of "monoglot".

It occurred to Alden and Becky that Madame Um, ensconced in her Bohemian lair on Craigie Circle, failed to understand-the Czechs were going to be the foreigners in Czechoslovakia in the days to come when even the most monoglot of Americans would know themselves to be at home in almost any corner of the world, and welcome to it.

Padeen, his almost monoglot servant, there were still words, and quite commonplace ones too, whose sounds were perfectly familiar hut whose meaning escaped him entirely.

With this wind, this head-sea and this current a square-rigged ship might beat up for the island a week on end and gain no eastward distance at all, a waste of time that could not be justified by the vague pointing of a crew of monoglot and largely hostile women, even supposing they pointed at all.

On reaching the sick-berth he found his loblolly-boy, a large and powerful, almost monoglot Munsterman called Padeen, hauling two chests together under the great lantern to make an operating-table.

The international popularity of manga and anime means that plenty of translated titles are available for monoglots like me.