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n. (context textiles English) A single strand of man-made fiber


A monofilament may be:

  • Monofilament fishing line, a type of thread
  • A monofilament as used in a monofilament test in a neurological examination
  • Monomolecular wire, a fictional type of wire consisting of a single strand of molecules

See also: filament (disambiguation)

Usage examples of "monofilament".

In the screen Jotoki techslaves in vacskins could be seen swarming around with plasma torches, cutting away the snarled monofilament fabric to free the jam in the tight confines of the launch tube.

Streaker with his initial report, and a sled should already be returning down the new shortcut they had found, bringing a monofilament intercom line from home.

Jill brought you folks a monofilament cable, so you can stay in touch with the ship.

We dropped a monofilament relay behind to keep us in touch with the party on the island, and left a message for Hikahi when she shows up.

He cut into larger swaths of flooring to reveal the entire length of the monofilament conduit.

Kad could place the pointed end of the sensor against the port where the monofilament bundles emerged.

They rarely spoke as they went about the methodical and exacting work of joining each monofilament to the optical data network of the subprocessor.

But if she cut the monofilament, that would sever the link to the arch that provided the proper resonance.

Citadel battlements fired, filling the air with spin-stabilized monofilament nets to entangle the attackers.

More netguns popped, and he risked a glance backward to see a quarter of his force struggling under the monofilament mesh.

Coiled tightly on a stem beneath the disc was a short length of eighty-pound monofilament fishing line.

But the second and third would not: the second would explode if the monofilament trigger were cut, so any officer attempting to defuse the device would be killed or dismembered.

The third claymore, though on the same monofilament trigger, would not explode until three minutes later, perhaps killing other officers who came to the aid of the wounded or dying.

Bloodred angels with burning wings stood in ranks behind the Iron Throne, bearing monofilament swords.

The monofilament swords in their hands were real enough, though, power-driven swords with an edge a single molecule thick, capable of cutting through anything.