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a. 1 Similar to a monkey 2 Similar to that of a monkey; as, a '''monkeylike''' skull, '''monkeylike''' curiosity adv. In the manner of a monkey

Usage examples of "monkeylike".

A careful engineer, her monkeylike paws working with incredible skill, had set sealed power units to humming.

Across a deep ravine, three filthy gray, monkeylike creatures scrambled up the side of a tall, sheer cliff, using their prehensile tails and four clawed paws to gain a secure hold on even the tiniest juts and cracks.

That done, the twelve scrambled monkeylike up the ladder which was promptly reeled in.

Squatting beside him was a boy of fourteen or fifteen, with a swarthy monkeylike face framed by tangles of shoulder-length dark hair.

The trailmen, strange and monkeylike though they were, had their own alien beauty.