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vb. (en-past of: monitor)

Usage examples of "monitored".

One of the several scanner satellites that monitored the surface of the planet as well as nearspace was reporting the eruption of a flare of light far off to the southwest, coordinates so-and-so, timing such-and-such.

He told them what he heard on his radio earphones, as he monitored local broadcasts: more mysteries.

Every legitimate matrix keyed to a Comyn telepath was monitored from the great screens in the Arilinn Tower.

Damon knew, if while the girl was with child, she had been monitored to discover whose seed had kindled her to bear.

That meant avoiding the most famous and closely monitored centers of research.

Like any other intelligence, they varied considerably in capacity, from tiny devices that monitored domestic needs to immense networks of intricately modulated electronic pulses that came close to mimicking the function of the human or thranx brain.

Flinx decided as he monitored its approach while continuing his slow, steady retreat.

Around him, other shapes and contours contorted against a cloudless blue sky while alien scavengers swooped low, checking on their impending two-legged meal as they avidly monitored its increasingly laggard progress.

The male brushed a clawed finger across the face of the unit that monitored the explosive collar.

The human was a spy, all right, whose operations had been monitored all along by sophisticated instrumentation aboard an as-yet-undetected interstellar craft.

Bligh might not be able to hear him, but Hooper monitored his gasps at thirty meters.

He showed her that they did not simply record what was happening in the towers and grounds, but also monitored different parts of the city.

Ensign Oscar Dublin replied, checking the left and right displays he always monitored from his perch.

Larchmont house were being monitored by the FBI and Partridge was not ready yet to give the FBI the new information.

Some of the connections ran directly to various pieces of bedside machinery that monitored pressure inside the skull, delivered drugs, or helped to oxygenate the brain tissue in the biochip.