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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Money-making \Mon"ey-mak`ing\, n. The act or process of making money; the acquisition and accumulation of wealth.

Obstinacy in money-making.


Money-making \Mon"ey-mak`ing\, a.

  1. Affording profitable returns; lucrative; as, a money-making business. Opposite of unprofitable.

  2. Successful in gaining money, and devoted to that aim; as, a money-making man.


a. that acquires money alt. the acquisition of money n. the acquisition of money

Usage examples of "money-making".

Royale-les-Eaux, backed by trim lawns emblazoned at intervals with tricolour beds of salvia, alyssum and lobelia, was bright with nags and, on the longest beach in the north of France, the gay bathing tents still marched prettily down to the tide-line in big, money-making battalions.

Arsen had demonstrated an ability to protect himself and John from the stranger's attempted assault, but John knew damned well that he could not do anything remotely similar, for while Arsen had been learning such practices in Marine boot camp and in the living hell of the war in Vietnam, John had been learning more peaceful, money-making pursuits in dental school.

He organised the Matterson Corporation as a holding company and really went to town on money-making, and he wasn't particular how he made it -- he still isn't, for that matter.

They consisted of people of the middling and lower classes of society, whose means of subsistence failed with the cessation of trade, and of the busy spirit of money-making in all its branches, peculiar to our country.

As he went, the idea came to him that if he kept a sharp eye out, he might learn a few more things about the money-making trade, perhaps to include: how to profit therefrom without going through the tedious steps of investing one’s own money and waiting decades for the payoff.

You've got to romp home with an Oscar now and then to show the reviewers that you're interested in fine things as well as money-making potboilers.

But it is not a money-making fraud nor a pious imposition nor a high-pressure sales promotion scheme to retail at tremendous profit large pieces of worthless real estate.