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mondélé, pl. mindele (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)

mundele, pl. mindele (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects) Kinshasa version

Mondele or Mundele means white (white man, not the color, mpembe) European-style person, person with light skin color

though the word were originally used to describe the white men (colonialist) from europe, it is widely used today as a name of any caucasion person,

Asian, Maghrebis , Latino, well most likely any light skinned foreigner person.

The word can also be applied even to black African with a much lighter skin complexion, up to foreign-raised locals (thus with a different accent) or visiting expatriates or black man who imitates the white, black outside and white inside (mundele ndombe)