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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Momently \Mo"ment*ly\, adv.

  1. For a moment.

  2. In a moment; every moment; momentarily.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1670s, "moment to moment," from moment + -ly (2). Meaning "at any moment" is from 1775.


adv. 1 (context archaic English) From moment to moment; continually. (from 16th c.) 2 (context now literary English) momentarily; for a moment. (from 19th c.)

  1. adv. for an instant or moment; "we paused momentarily before proceeding"; "a cardinal perched momently on the dogwood branch" [syn: momentarily]

  2. at any moment; "she will be with you momently" [syn: momentarily, in a moment]

Usage examples of "momently".

Aunt Louise kept up a constant snuffling laughter, punctuated momently by faint whoops.

High up, in the immense and tempestuous skies, the clouds were driving at furious speed, in an inexhaustible processional, across the visage of a wild and desolate moon, which broke through momently with a kind of savage and beleaguered reprisal to cast upon the waste below a shattered, lost and fiercely ragged light.

Sir Nugent, becoming momently more like an actor in a Greek tragedy, was lamenting over one boot, while Pett nursed the other, and recalling every circumstance that had led him to design such a triumph of modishness.

A SPOT In years defaced and lost, Two sat here, transport-tossed, Lit by a living love The wilted world knew nothing of: Scared momently By gaingivings, Then hoping things That could not be.

The archway and stairway of the hotel were draped with the Bavarian colors, and they were obscurely flattered to learn that Prince Leopold, the brother of the Prince-Regent of the kingdom, had taken rooms there, on his way to the manoeuvres at Nuremberg, and was momently expected with his suite.