n. A large water-dwelling cryptid described in legends of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congo%20River basin.
Mokèlé-mbèmbé (meaning "one who stops the flow of rivers" in the Lingala language) is a legendary water-dwelling creature of Congo River basin folklore, sometimes described as a living creature, sometimes as a spirit, and loosely analogous to the Loch Ness Monster in Western culture. It is claimed to be a sauropod by some cryptozoologists.
Expeditions mounted in the hope of finding evidence of the Mokèlé-mbèmbé have failed, and the subject has been covered in a number of books and by a number of television documentaries. According to skeptic Robert T. Carroll, "Reports of the Mokèlé-mbèmbé have been circulating for the past two hundred years, yet no one has photographed the creature or produced any physical evidence of its existence." The Mokèlé-mbèmbé and its associated folklore also appear in several works of fiction and popular culture.
Usage examples of "mokele-mbembe".
Powell, with Professor Roy Mackal of the University of Chicago gathered the most intriguing accounts of the beast - mokele-mbembe, as it is known - on their expedition to the Congo in 1980.
When mokele-mbembe tried to return, it was trapped by the barricade and killed with spears.
So when, in 1983, he reported sighting mokele-mbembe himself, he was treated as an extremely reliable witness.