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n. (plural of moisturizer English)

Usage examples of "moisturizers".

Soap that came pre-wrapped and contained moisturizers with long, scientific names.

The air outside smelled dry and flat, like rock dust, without the enriching moisturizers and perfumes that circulated through the Guild's confined chambers.

I stayed away from greasy moisturizers, worried they would make me break out.

She was easily mid-forties, but fighting every year, with blond rinses, moisturizers, and liquid diet lunches.

Because small luxuries helped get her through the hard times, she always took advantage of nontravel days by taking the time to smooth her skin with moisturizers, take extra care with her hair and makeup, wear perfume.

She padded across the plank floor into the bathroom and smiled at herself in the mirror when she found a tray with an unopened new toothbrush, women's moisturizers, bath gels, body oils, makeup accessories and an assortment of feminine hairbrushes.