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n. (plural of module English)

Usage examples of "modules".

An operations crew is currently removing the other modules identical to this one.

The technology that's employed in these modules is a very powerfuland illicitsensory-input technology that's usually referred to by the initials 'CI.

In the meantime, I have some leads to follow up on how the modules might have been smuggled aboard.

This was how the CI modules worked, taking the normal, benign holosuite programming and warping it into something different.

In the absence of any discernible harm that Jake may have suffered from his exposure to these cortical-induction modules, I believe that the greatest therapeutic value would be gained from his staying in contact with his father.

It seems as if whoever's behind this operationperhaps our mysterious McHoguewas somehow able to bring a large quantity of the modules on board in a way that can't be traced through the pylons' loading docks.

Until everything about the epidemic of murder had been explainedand rectifiedcaution dictated a complete shutdown of all the holosuites that had been tampered with, even after the suspect CI modules had been removed.

It's as if the field created by the CI modules dividing me into two separate creatures again.

If nothing else, bringing the CI modules on board the station would be consistent with the Cardassians' previous attempts to regain control over the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.

The exposure you had to the cortical-induction modules and their effectsthere's a definite persistence factor associated with them that you don't encounter with your regulation, unmodified holosuites.

I can't imagine that someone such as Aur would go along with your plans, if he was aware of the true nature of the CI modules and what they can do.

What McHogue was doing, waltzing in and out with his CI modules, it's .

The modules from the deactivated holosuites had been taken off-line, but there was a sufficient data stream from the one on the lab bench for her to analyze.

Some of McHogue's statements that were interpreted by us as symptomatic of megalomania, perhaps as a result of a psychopathological condition due to his own exposure to the effects of the CI modules, may in fact have a basis in reality.

Dating from the time at which it may be assumed that McHogue first placed the CI modules into operation, there is a growing body of evidencenavigational instrument deviations, subspace sensor readings, and the likethat a fundamental cosmological shift is taking place, with the city of Moagitty functioning as its epicenter.