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vb. (en-third-person singular of: modulate)

Usage examples of "modulates".

Either the Urgrund directly modifies the activity of the artifact by pressure directly on the artifact, or the Urgrund goes to the projected world and modulates it, bypassing the artifact, or both.

But it modulates a sort of hybrid wave, not hyperwaves as we know them.

The little bit of energy that the wizard puts in modulates the vastly bigger magic energy that's lying around all over the place, here.

But he had no right to that feeling, so the feeling quickly modulated, as a nettle-sting modulates to warmth (the bare-legged legionaries had kept themselves warm in British winters by lashing themselves with nettles: might there not be a poem there?

You need an amplifier which modulates the frequency to something a microwave transmitter can transmit.

The way in which the object of their attention modulates the bird-feather time scale, functioning like a sort of mental rheostat, generating a variable resistance.