n. 1 A idea which is especially extreme, unorthodox or distasteful, often put forward in jest. 2 (&lit modest proposal English)
Usage examples of "modest proposal".
Sooner or later one would introduce her modest proposal to the Hall,' and that would put the fox in the henyard.
Sooner or later one would introduce her modest proposal to the Hall, and that would put the fox in the henyard.
Dean Swift had an appropriate solution for some of them in A Modest Proposal: But he should not Nave limited it to the Irish, as there are many scoundrels who are not Irish.
Beneath the white title, 'Kazakhs versus Animals at Square-Mile-on-Volga,' someone had written with a ballpoint pen, in English, 'A Modest Proposal.
So the next morning we find your man, who's done some thoughtful thinking over his bottle of Calvados in the course of a long lonely night, thinking ahead for sure and ruminating on a more amenable future for himself, we find him respectfully approaching his White Father superiors with a modest proposal.
In 1729, when he was sixty-three, he wrote A Modest Proposal, considered by many to be the best satire ever written in English.