The Collaborative International Dictionary
moderated \moderated\ adj. having elements or qualities mixed in proper or suitable proportions; especially, made less severe. Contrasted with harsh.
Syn: qualified, tempered.
vb. (en-past of: moderate)
adj. having elements or qualities mixed in proper or suitable proportions; especially made less severe; "justice moderated with mercy" [syn: qualified]
Usage examples of "moderated".
Diocletian, still averse to the effusion of blood, had moderated the fury of Galerius, who proposed that every one refusing to offer sacrifice should immediately be burnt alive, the penalties inflicted on the obstinacy of the Christians might be deemed sufficiently rigorous and effectual.
We have attempted to explain the spirit which moderated, and the strength which supported, the power of Hadrian and the Antonines.
Their deliberations were assisted by the advice of a few distinguished presbyters, and moderated by the presence of a listening multitude.
The fierce Chnodomar, shaking the ponderous javelin which he had victoriously wielded against the brother of Magnentius, led the van of the Barbarians, and moderated by his experience the martial ardor which his example inspired.
The pride of this unexpected elevation was moderated by the just apprehension, that the same day might terminate the life and reign of the new emperor.
The mischievous effects of an earthquake, or deluge, a hurricane, or the eruption of a volcano, bear a very inconsiderable portion to the ordinary calamities of war, as they are now moderated by the prudence or humanity of the princes of Europe, who amuse their own leisure, and exercise the courage of their subjects, in the practice of the military art.
Germans, and sometimes moderated by the milder genius of Rome, and Christianity.
It has been pretended, that this republic of kings was moderated by a general council and a supreme magistrate.
The gospel was ostentatiously displayed in the centre, but the rule of faith was defined by the Papal and Imperial ministers, who moderated the thirteen sessions of the council of Chalcedon.
He despised and moderated the stately magnificence of the Byzantine court, so oppressive to the people, so contemptible to the eye of reason.
The want of laws could only be supplied by the influence of religion, and their foreign and domestic counsels were moderated by the authority of the bishop.
This sanguinary spirit, ignorant of pity or forgiveness, has been moderated, however, by the maxims of honor, which require in every private encounter some decent equality of age and strength, of numbers and weapons.
When they are productive of such effects, their use is injurious, and should be considerably moderated or wholly discontinued.
But your sadness will be moderated when you hear that his kingdom is continued in us.
The nobility and gentry of England were roused to such a pitch of resentment, that they offered to levy an army of twenty-two thousand foot and four thousand horse, to transport them into France, and to maintain them six months at their own charge: but Elizabeth, who was cautious in her measures, and who feared to inflame further the quarrel between the two religions by these dangerous crusades, refused her consent, and moderated the zeal of her subjects.