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The Collaborative International Dictionary

mockernut \mockernut\, mocker nut \mocker nut\n.

  1. (Bot.), A smooth-barked North American hickory ( Carya tomentosa) with 7 to 9 leaflets bearing a hard-shelled edible nut, which is far inferior to the true shagbark hickory nut.

    Syn: mockernut hickory, black hickory, white-heart hickory, big-bud hickory, Carya tomentosa .

  2. The fruit of the mockernut[1].


n. smooth-barked North American hickory with 7 to 9 leaflets bearing a hard-shelled edible nut [syn: mockernut hickory, black hickory, white-heart hickory, big-bud hickory, Carya tomentosa]

Usage examples of "mockernut".

It is called the mockernut because while the nut is large, usually larger than the shellbark, the kernel is very small and difficult to take out of the thick shell.