Crossword clues for mocked
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Mock \Mock\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mocked; p. pr. & vb. n. Mocking.] [F. moquer, of uncertain origin; cf. OD. mocken to mumble, G. mucken, OSw. mucka.]
To imitate; to mimic; esp., to mimic in sport, contempt, or derision; to deride by mimicry.
To see the life as lively mocked as ever Still sleep mocked death.
--Shak.Mocking marriage with a dame of France.
--Shak. -
To treat with scorn or contempt; to deride.
Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud.
--1 Kings xviii. 27.Let not ambition mock their useful toil.
--Gray. -
To disappoint the hopes of; to deceive; to tantalize; as, to mock expectation.
Thou hast mocked me, and told me lies.
--Judg. xvi. 13.He will not . . . Mock us with his blest sight, then snatch him hence.
--Milton.Syn: To deride; ridicule; taunt; jeer; tantalize; disappoint. See Deride.
vb. (en-past of: mock)
Usage examples of "mocked".
Tigellius, the inconsistent performer of the opening, seems, by the end, an extreme instance of the inconsistency we all display, and the only consistent figure is the falsely wise Stoic who is mocked by the society of which he pretends to be the philosophical king.
He had heard stories about cannibals and had usually laughed at themand he had mocked people who believed such things.
While he mocked his desire with the sad self-parody of cannibalism, there was in his mind the actual suspicion that aliens were animals.
Swinging, swooping, first high, then gliding low over the Horsekin camp, Jill led her on, threatened her with the spear, and worst weapon of all, mocked her.
His very dimensions mocked those drowsy episodes she used to devise apart from reality.
Clients were not exactly breaking down her door, she mocked herself wryly.
He mocked the youth, with an acid ridicule, that made Leitner red in the face and impotent with resentment.
When she timidly asked him where she could see to her private needs, he walked her into the woods where the others could not see them, and he mocked her embarrassment.
It had taken all his self-discipline not to hit the Sergeant, and Hakeswill knew it and mocked him for it.
McCandless prayed, Hakeswill mocked, Lawford worried and Sharpe learned his letters.
I cried aloud in my desolation and fear and hid my face in my hands, while the icy cliffs mocked my cry and the dead maid, tripping alongside, rolled her head over, and stared at me with stony, unseeing eyes.
Altogether, I could not make it out, nor could Leo, though of course he was exceedingly triumphant over me because I had persistently mocked at the whole thing.