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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Moccasined \Moc"ca*sined\, a. Covered with, or wearing, a moccasin or moccasins. ``Moccasined feet.''
--Harper's Mag.


a. Wearing moccasins.

Usage examples of "moccasined".

The soft, boggy soil was slow to yield the imprint of his knees, his moccasined feet, and the sun's deepening glare continued to paint the harsh features of the gods even as shadows filled the glade itself.

Amidst this stumbling chaos, the warrior heard the crossbows loose - but his horse was going down, onto its side - and Corabb was already leaping clear of the saddle, his moccasined feet slipping out from the stirrups as he dived.

He was wearing dark grey, tight-fitting clothes, moccasined, gloved and hooded.

I traveled to-day in the middle of your street because my moccasined feet stumbled on the smoothness of your walks.

From the heated earth their feet came to a narrow ledge of rock, worn smooth by the furred and moccasined tread of centuries, with the chasm on one side of them and a wall of rock on the other.

It was a world of big, honest hearts kept warm within caribou skins, of moccasined men whom endless solitude had taught to say little and do much—a world of "Big Snows," as the Englishman had said, in which Jan and all his people had come very close to the things which God created.

Then came the hum of voices, followed by the soft tread of moccasined feet.

His eye searched the wet clay floor, but hardly could have discovered anything there, because the hunter's moccasined tracks had been obliterated by the footprints of the Indians.

The measured stamp of moccasined feet, the rush of Indians past the cabin, the dull thud of hatchets struck hard into the trees–all attested to the excitement of the savages, and the imminence of terrible danger.

Hatcher hooked his thumbs into his belt and rocked lightly on his moccasined feet.

But Ellen Jorth's moccasined feet did not leave a distinguishable trail on the springy pine needle covering of the ground, and Jean could not find any trace of her.

Jean's moccasined feet struck him squarely and sent him staggering into the wall, where his head hit hard.

Something crunched and splintered dryly beneath his moccasined feet and looking down with no great surprise, for everything here was strange, he saw that he trod in a tangle of human bones.