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The Collaborative International Dictionary

mobilisation \mobilisation\ n. Mobilization. [Chiefly Brit.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

chiefly British English spelling of mobilization. For spelling, see -ize.


n. the act of mobilise

  1. n. act of marshaling and organizing and making ready for use or action; "mobilization of the country's economic resources" [syn: mobilization]

  2. act of assembling and putting into readiness for war or other emergency: "mobilization of the troops" [syn: mobilization, militarization, militarisation] [ant: demobilization]

Usage examples of "mobilisation".

Then they dump the boring, pedantic GSV that happened to be on the Incident Coordinating Rota, agree to wait-and-see with the Excession itself while sending investigatory reinforcements, start a localised mobilisation - mobilisation!

After the first flurry of Affront Orbital and cruise ship takeovers with no obvious Culture military reply but talk of a mobilisation taking place (frustratingly, almost entirely beyond the news services' perceptions), the war seemed to have entered a period of relative quiescence.

He sent the tsar a message ordering him to stop the mobilisation immediately.

The mobilisation of the Evangelical Right could influence the outcome of the 1980 presidential election and determine that of 1984 — though many of the new evangelists claim that a free 1984 election will not take place unless their man gets in this time.

No one disputes that the 5 to 7 per cent push provided by the mobilisation of the quietist proletariat had a lot to do with the Republican landslide.

The consuls carried out the mobilisation with much more care than at other times.

Two members of the tribunitian college were for referring the matter to the consuls, on the ground that the decision ought to rest with those to whom the mobilisation had been entrusted.