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Usage examples of "mlle".

Mlle Germaine took the autorail and was met at the station by the police.

Between the 13th February and the 6th December 1796, Casanova engaged in a correspondence with Mlle.

Also, when I have a mind to visit the depths of the ocean five or six mlles below the surface, I make use of slower but not less infallible means.

On dirait autant de petites bouteilles dans lesquelles Mlle Genseigne verse de la science.

Mlle Genseigne, qui est tres savante, apprend le calcul a ses petites eleves.

But now the lodgers began to look at each other, and then all eyes were turned at once on Mlle.

Think over those eight points of evidence which you drew up yesterday in the Villa des Fleurs, and say whether what she has to tell us is more likely to prove Mlle.