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n. (mix-up English)

Usage examples of "mix-ups".

The rest of the day's journeys, it seemed, had for once gone uneventfully to plan: no mix-ups over time, no engine troubles, no equipment or attendants left behind.

There were some mix-ups in his records, which cost him money and led to much dispute with the VA.

It's more like mix-ups, and most of it is due to her not speaking English that well, as you may have noticed.

But none of the army's various components was as plodding or trouble-plagued as the pack train, which lumbered through the pass with an agonizing lack of progress, stopped every few minutes by broken wheels and axles, by the constant need for an untangling of traces and the watering of animals, and by collisions, mix-ups, and traffic jams of all sorts.