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The Collaborative International Dictionary

mistiming \mistiming\ n. The act or process of assigning something to a time when it could not have existed or occurred.

Syn: anachronism, misdating.


n. Incorrect timing. vb. (present participle of mistime English)


n. something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred [syn: anachronism, misdating]

Usage examples of "mistiming".

A misjudged order, one mistiming, a swing of the tide-race, and Trout would be jammed against the sand-bars and wolfish breakers.

Even now, he was afraid of doing the wrong thing, of mistiming the drawing, of becoming too involved with whatever he was trying to change, or, worst of all, of drawing too much.

How many times we went through the routine, when once I had mastered the general principle of it, I cannot guess, but I remember well that it was the management of the arms that gave me the most trouble, and any mistiming there made a mess of the whole deception.

Truly this may be no more than a tangle of mistiming and misunderstanding, but let’s resolve it first, and wonder about it afterwards.