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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Misstatement \Mis*state"ment\, n. An incorrect statement.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1790, from misstate + -ment.


n. A statement that is false. Usually indicating an error rather than an intentional lie.


n. a statement that contains a mistake

Usage examples of "misstatement".

Of personal contributions to the literature of the subject, during the past third of a century, nearly everything has been more or less polemical, called forth by either exaggeration of utility, inaccuracy of assertion, or misstatement of fact.

Any gross misstatement on the part of a bank cashier would almost certainly subject him to a rigid examination, and to the penalty of dismissal.

But the worst misstatement in this editorial intended to incite prejudice against any inquiry in the State of New York was that which referred to the effect of the English law governing the regulation of vivisection.

In an experience of more than a third of a century, I have never read a defence of vivisection without limitations, which did not contain some exaggerated claim, some misstatement of fact.

All that we want is the truth, without concealment of abuse on the one hand, or misstatement on the other.

His only alleged misstatement that was ever tested in a court of law concerned a statement about Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal, for which Blumenthal sued Drudge for libel.

The misstatement, in consequence of his spirited and energetic remonstrances, was corrected.

The complete refutation of all such misstatements regarding the effect of the English law will be found elsewhere.

It aims to justify the closing of the laboratory to all investigations whatever, and it attempts to do this by misstatements regarding historical facts.

There are journals, so closely related, apparently, to laboratory interests, that they do not permit correction of editorial misstatements or mistake to appear in their columns, even when such blunders are pointed out.

Indeed, the misstatements of Democrats are extremely difficult to come by inasmuch as no record of them is meticulously compiled by media watchdogs.

The printing machines of Paris, London and New York were still busy with various misstatements about the murdered commercial traveller, while the Polish and German air patrols were in conflict all along the fatal boundary.

Father Cardiel, which deals with the misstatements of Ibanez and others against the Jesuits.

These, two letters provoked a shower of rejoinders, in which, according to Cooper, misstatements were mingled with scurrility.

She had a precise way of expressing things, without hems and haws or stumbles or regretted misstatements, just as Cirl did.