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vb. (en-third-person singular of: misspell)

Usage examples of "misspells".

Most people who misspell do so phonetically and consistently, and in some letters, the Ripper misspells the same word sevĀ­eral different ways.

He misspells bigger as an illiterate would, and I don't believe the glarĀ­ing inconsistency in a letter such as this one was an accident.

Most people who misspell do so phonetically and consistently, and in some letters, the Ripper misspells the same word several different ways.

He misspells bigger as an illiterate would, and I don't believe the glaring inconsistency in a letter such as this one was an accident.

A cop misspells a word on the citation or something, and the guy walks!

Not only did he lose his gamble with immortality when it was proven that he didn't kill Dutch Schultz, but almost every book on the case misspells his name as Stern, a tradition which the present work has mostly refused to shatter.

Everyone has a special place they store their tension (I'm on shiatsu duty), the same way everyone misspells the same words over and over.