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vb. (context transitive English) To route incorrectly; to send the wrong way.

Usage examples of "misroute".

The shipments were bollixed, the transshipments were misrouted, and in the end, even the swizzleskid industries felt it.

The shipments were bollixed, the transshipments were misrouted and, in the end, even the swizzleskid industries felt it.

He had been sidetracked by his need to make money, distracted by the fuss of living, misrouted from his original goal.

Obediently Jeremy sets about collecting the free newspapers, misrouted post and circulars advertising long-forgotten car boot sales.

The shipments were bollixed, the trans-shipments were misrouted, and in the end, even the swizzleskid industries felt it.

The most interesting example of the misrouted calls came when a shop owner in the Bom Chu shopping complex in Boot City on Bocca called his wife from his business, a distance of some nine kilometers, to tell her he would be late for dinner.

Unfortunately, the launch was triggered when a signal intended to shut down the mess for the night was misrouted through the bad switch to the launch system.

He is rubber-stamped on hands, forehead, and ass, deloused, poked, palpated, named, numbered, consigned, invoiced, misrouted, detained, ignored.

Urgent information can be misrouted, emergency calls never get to their destinations.

The exception of the period of federal control from the time limit set by law upon claims against carriers for damages caused by misrouting of goods, was read as prospective only because the limitation was an integral part of the liability, not merely a matter of remedy, and would violate the Fifth Amendment if retroactive.

Since those transgressions had rarely exceeded anything more sinful than an occasional lapse in manners, they may have felt that there was an injustice in their assigned penance—something of a misrouting on a cosmic scale.

The United States could not be connected with what was about to transpire and even an inadvertent recording or misrouting of the signal would be disastrous.